BCC Shines a Light On: Elaine Reardon

Name of the piece published by BCC:

Hye Holiday Gathering

When/where was it originally published:

Originally published in my chapbook, Look Behind You, 2019, Flutter Press.

Tell us more about your piece! What is the background of the piece? What led you to write it? What’s your process?

What led me to write about this piece was  thinking about how memories are important to many of us, and how often it's these small ephemeral every day moments that stay with us, become precious. These are moments that are reflected in so many lives. Since the Armenian genocide, most Armenians live in the the world-wide diaspora, spread among many countries and cultures. Food is our common language, one that helps us stay connected.

My writing process is that I will sit and write just to write, without great expectation. usually a couple times a week. I am  often surprised that something I don't think is very good will be well thought of by my critique group, so I've learned not to be too hasty. This poem won a 3rd place prize, and 'we' were nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

How did you feel when it was first published and how have your thoughts or feelings on the piece changed from then to now?

This poem was about small moments when I was young.  I wanted my children to taste and know this sweetness, both in the mouth and heart. I was truly surprised how much other people resonated with it.

Is there a specific message you would like readers to take away from reading this piece? 

Since writing this poem and in similar poems, so much more killing & war,in Kaabakh, Sudan, Gaza- has leached into our world. I hope we can all find ways to promote peace, however we can, together.

Where can readers find more of your work? (Website/social media, etc)

twitter: @elainereardon33

instagram: @elainereardon33



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