My mother believed in the power of wind - Janis La Couvée
My mother believed in the power of wind, waves and salt spray to heal
Theoretical Existentialism - Michael S. Gatlin
would give anything to know the name
of anyone in heaven
Flossing Her Legs - Michelle R. Brady
In the glare of the artificial light that fills the windowless strip club every Sunday morning with Madonna's Lucky Star blaring from out on the floor, I found…
Embarrassment of Riches - Dan Brotzel
On City FM they’d announced a prize of £100,000 for the first person in the city to locate a tiny golden City FM Bear.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 - Matthew Pritt
When my dad died, the crematorium gave us his remains in a plastic bag.
The Baby Won't Sleep So We Go For a Long Walk During Which You Recount The Entire Plot of Space Jam - Claire Taylor
there were monsters
at least that much I recall
Women Like Her Breathe Fire - Kavya Janani. U
A roar is caught in her throat,
as she notices him watching blaring videos
For the 90 Year Old Sleeping in Her Pontiac - Gavin Garza
I assumed we’d find hospital walls and a priest at our bedside.
First Communion - Vic Nogay
The last day of the last summer before you got a car, we got the guts to steal the wine from the church refrigerator.
Again and again and again and - Rachel Abbey McCafferty
The day the bugs descended, the air was thick with warmth and wings.
Desert Cicadas Haibun - Sharon Suzuki-Martinez
It’s a Sunday afternoon in July, so the cicadas are out merrymaking in the mesquite trees off our balcony.
The Summer of Owls - James Sullivan
I woke with the 5-something a.m. sunrise to find another owl waiting for me.
Love Notes from the Firefly Spanish/English Visual Dictionary - Karen Rigby
When you find me in the courtyard
of a Roman home, bring seven legumes,
She would give anything to roll a seven,
Aemilius - Kristina Gaffney
i / fear / for our / future / two / ships passing / we take the night
Who is my neighbour? - Dan Brotzel
Hi all, just to say that our 13-year-old tabby cat went missing the night before last.
Crumbs - Dan Brotzel
The cake sat in pride of place in the fridge, an ornate confection of glitter balls and sculpted chocolate frosting and sugar stars and gingerbread men done up as edible silver astronauts.
Les Soeurs Jumelles - Fiona J. Mackintosh
We were always dressed alike, Maman insisted on it.