The Flying Wanderer - Sreelekha Chatterjee
A fluttering noise interrupted Vishal’s deep slumber. His half-closed, sleepy eyes followed the sound from where it originated and was astonished to find a winged visitor comfortably perched on the window sill.
inheritance - andrea lianne grabowski
family, n. any group of persons closely related by blood.
Losing Myself - Stephen Mead
Drag, in the classical sense, is not something I’ve ever done.
Rock a Bye Baby - Pam Plumb
Alanah started life on the cold blue-black slate of the kitchen floor. She lay in the wet slithering mess of childbirth, content.
Services at a Later Date - Robin Wright
I pick blue hydrangeas
from my yard. Don’t know
what to do with them.
Coup de Grâce - Fiona J. Mackintosh
“The cheek of her wearing black. A large bosom, thin legs like a heron, I’d forgotten those. Hair too silver-blonde for the age of her face. Jack must have sunk into her like a cloud. Or a sofa whose springs have gone.”
I Am A Mongolian Death Worm - Lindz McLeod
“In the arid dunes of the Gobi desert, I burrow under the surface to wait out the heat of the midday sun.”
I See Myself in Everything, Especially the Trees -Sara Collie
“On the day in question, I wake up feeling incredibly calm. It has rained all night – I can practically hear the water seeping into the garden.”
Becoming a Ghost -Melissa Flores Anderson
“Oscar picked the castle for our last night of a 10-day trip to Ireland. We’d worn on each other.”
several years later - Helen Nancy Meneilly
“in air thick with rain’s threat, i pull
words up like sick on string.”
Roots and Rituals - Charlotte Hamrick
“when I say,
death wafts in this house,
I do not like the way it dwells -”
Resurrectionists - William Woolfit
“You secure a research grant, you fly to Newfoundland and invite me to fly there too, join you at the airport. You say that you’ve missed me, that we should get together again, do some catching up, see what happens.”