“Jon and Cinderella
walk up the hill slowly,
Michael’s Poem - Julie Alden Cullinane
“I was no good when you were a child
Loving you wholly, but feeling too much
All I had was love back then, not sanity or time”
Buscalan and Scars of Happiness - Gretchen Filart
“She will be doing the batok because today, her mood dictated she will”
To Hold Water - Cecilia Kennedy
“When I cup my hands under the faucet, the water finds the cracks between my fingers and slowly pushes through. No matter how tightly I squeeze my fingers together, the water seeps, dripping down the drain.”
Walking To Work - Michael Rogner
“Unhurried in a realm below the acorn woodpeckers
hoarding their harvest I try not to think”
A Valentine For My Mother - Wren Donovan
“On a screen-porch in Baton Rouge, real low to the ground
my mother’s hands rattle the old metal peeler birthing naked potatoes”
The Feast of Fabian, According to Theobald the Pious - Karen Walker
“The goose is a watchman. More than any other creature of Almighty God, it discerns the character of men. Cackles a warning when it witnesses wrong.”
Blind Love - Atlas Booth
“At that moment he decided it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.”
Lithuanian History - Jill E. Anderson
“Now he counts on his fingers
within the bristled halo
that surrounds his hand.
He arrives at no solution.”
Don’t Write Poetry - Everett Cruz
“And the moon, erase it from your memory
it belongs to all the other poets. “
Natural Bodies - Gemma Elliott
“I had never been particularly interested in my period until three events occurred in the same week: I got dumped, I lost my job, and I bought a menstrual cup in a burst of uncharacteristic environmental friendliness. “
Blue Moon, Bright Mars - William Cass
“Very rare: blue moon, bright Mars. Both rose just after sunset that late May evening.”
Inkling - Stephen Jackson
“Go to him, tell him I love him —
at least, give him an inkling.”
On Forgiving The Man Who Altered My Blood - Joshua Merchant
“who was i
but a glass
of water
unable to exist
without a pair
of lips”