Followed - Mona Mehas

In the darkness of the pines, as the sun was setting behind the mountain,
an eerie sense came over me. A held breath, a hesitation, a stilled
heartbeat. I picked up my pace but couldn’t find my way in the
shadows. Was the camp just over the next rise? I headed off
in that direction, but the rise moved, or its shadow did. I
screamed and jumped, hearing my echoes. Darker now,
behind me, the breath was gaining on me, heavier. I
panicked, my lungs screeching in the unknown. I
fell to my knees as snow began to fall; big fat
flakes accumulated quickly; I shivered and
wrapped my arms around myself, a weak
attempt to stay warm. Total darkness,
under a sliver of a moon, resigned
to a frightful frozen death, I lay
in the snow. Soft powder fell
on my face, covering me
in a cold white blanket.
Crumpling; a snort.
Acrid breath in
my air. More
I sat up and
looked around,
my eyes adjusting
to the darkness. Huge
footprints at my side led
away from my position. Stars
twinkling above, I walked in the
footsteps to my camp. I would live
another day, spread word of their kindness.

Originally published by Musing Publications 2022.

Mona Mehas (she, her) writes poetry and prose from the perspective of a retired disabled teacher in Indiana USA. A pushcart nominee, her work has appeared in over 70 journals, anthologies, and online museums. Two of her poems received first place honors in the 2023 Poetry Society of Indiana fall contest. Mona’s chapbook, Questions I Didn’t Know I’d Asked is available from LJMcD Communications and Amazon. Her second book is forthcoming in July 2024. She is finishing edits on her first novel and will soon query agents.


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