BCC Shines a Light on: William Cass

Name of the piece published by BCC:

I Have a Few

When/where was it originally published:

Beechwood Review; 2014

Tell us more about your piece! What is the background of the piece? What led you to write it? What’s your process?

When I first wrote this story, I was approaching my 60th birthday and found myself increasingly interested in life’s accumulation of irretrievable opportunities.

How did you feel when it was first published and how have your thoughts or feelings on the piece changed from then to now?

Because this piece had an unusually minimalistic style, I expected it might be hard pressed to originally find a home, so I was very pleased when it did…as I was when BBC kindly chose to reprint it a decade later.

Is there a specific message you would like readers to take away from reading this piece?

Something about the unique effects of regret, I suppose.

What else would you like to tell readers about your writing? (Doesn’t have to refer only to your BCC piece)

I write to try to make sense of the world around me, especially those things that touch me deeply.

Where can readers find more of your work? (Website/social media, etc)

I’ve had a pretty good number of stories appear in print and online magazines and anthologies, as well as two recent short story collections published by Wising Up Press http://www.universaltable.org/libraryfiction/uncommon.html


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