BCC Shines a Light On: SHERRY MORRIS

Name of the piece published by BCC:


When/where was it originally published:

Cranked Anvil in 2020

Tell us more about your piece! What is the background of the piece? What led you to write it? What’s your process?

The inspiration for this piece came from a baby’s high chair that I noticed lying in a field. I live in a rural area of the Scottish Highlands and this field is not easily accessible by vehicle. Also, no one with small children lives anywhere near this field. Someone made the effort to dispose of a high chair in good condition in a remote place. I started wondering *why* someone would dump a high chair here… and PRESTO ‘Never Going Green’ was born.

I didn’t know exactly how the story would end, I just knew I wanted to tell a story about a community haunted by a high chair. Usually, when writing a story, I start with a one-line idea—it’s not even a sentence—and write around the idea for a while to find a story. This one came together fairly quickly and I placed it the second time I submitted it—which is unusual for me.

How did you feel when it was first published and how have your thoughts or feelings on the piece changed from then to now?

I was very pleased it placed third in a Cranked Anvil competition. I had submitted it to one other place prior and it received a very positive rejection with feedback from a lit mag editor I admire, so I knew this story would find a good home. And it did—I’m also thrilled it gets another outing with BBC. 😊

Is there a specific message you would like readers to take away from reading this piece?

In spite of the sentiments of the community in this particular story, I *do* want people to recycle.

So there’s no message I’m trying to convey...more an unsettled feeling—leave the reader with a chill.

Where can readers find more of your work? (Website/social media, etc)

Many of my published short stories and flash are on my website: www.uksherka.com

I also dabble in photography and I have photos published in several literary journals, used as anthology covers and featured in calendars.

You can connect with me on Twitter: @Uksherka and Bluesky: @uksherka.bsky.social

I would love to know what people think of this piece!


BCC Shines a Light On: Toni Kochensparger


BCC Shines A Light On: Katy Goforth