Cold Cloth of Sentience - Mukund Gnanadesikan
“Measure, cut, bring up the too-long hem
of black linen consciousness.”
the anchor speaks to the wreck - MJ Lu
“you’d still be floating without me, wouldn’t you?”
Clerical Error - Zary Fekete
“He had already ridden the 200 meter line of New Brunswick railroad track dozens of times that day, the same as every day on this job.”
Our Hands Will Make Music in the Valleys - Jesse Millner
The alcoholic has bad dreams, his hands shake at night
and sleep is haze and steel blue smoke,
Beating the Odds - Bradley Sutherland
There may be a stakeout tonight for my bike. It has been seen twice now. Who’s in? Last seen by ME on 7th and Hardy last night
Therapy - Amrita V. Nair
While we are here
You should take off your shoes
And make yourself comfortable
Poem No. 3 - (for Beckett) - Marc Isaac Potter
The pancake syrup bottle
for its emptiness.
The Flying Wanderer - Sreelekha Chatterjee
A fluttering noise interrupted Vishal’s deep slumber. His half-closed, sleepy eyes followed the sound from where it originated and was astonished to find a winged visitor comfortably perched on the window sill.
inheritance - andrea lianne grabowski
family, n. any group of persons closely related by blood.
Losing Myself - Stephen Mead
Drag, in the classical sense, is not something I’ve ever done.
Rock a Bye Baby - Pam Plumb
Alanah started life on the cold blue-black slate of the kitchen floor. She lay in the wet slithering mess of childbirth, content.