Roots and Rituals - Charlotte Hamrick
“when I say,
death wafts in this house,
I do not like the way it dwells -”
Resurrectionists - William Woolfit
“You secure a research grant, you fly to Newfoundland and invite me to fly there too, join you at the airport. You say that you’ve missed me, that we should get together again, do some catching up, see what happens.”
“Jon and Cinderella
walk up the hill slowly,
Michael’s Poem - Julie Alden Cullinane
“I was no good when you were a child
Loving you wholly, but feeling too much
All I had was love back then, not sanity or time”
Buscalan and Scars of Happiness - Gretchen Filart
“She will be doing the batok because today, her mood dictated she will”
To Hold Water - Cecilia Kennedy
“When I cup my hands under the faucet, the water finds the cracks between my fingers and slowly pushes through. No matter how tightly I squeeze my fingers together, the water seeps, dripping down the drain.”
Walking To Work - Michael Rogner
“Unhurried in a realm below the acorn woodpeckers
hoarding their harvest I try not to think”
A Valentine For My Mother - Wren Donovan
“On a screen-porch in Baton Rouge, real low to the ground
my mother’s hands rattle the old metal peeler birthing naked potatoes”
The Feast of Fabian, According to Theobald the Pious - Karen Walker
“The goose is a watchman. More than any other creature of Almighty God, it discerns the character of men. Cackles a warning when it witnesses wrong.”
Blind Love - Atlas Booth
“At that moment he decided it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.”
Lithuanian History - Jill E. Anderson
“Now he counts on his fingers
within the bristled halo
that surrounds his hand.
He arrives at no solution.”
Don’t Write Poetry - Everett Cruz
“And the moon, erase it from your memory
it belongs to all the other poets. “
Natural Bodies - Gemma Elliott
“I had never been particularly interested in my period until three events occurred in the same week: I got dumped, I lost my job, and I bought a menstrual cup in a burst of uncharacteristic environmental friendliness. “